Time Square is freedom, it is noise, it is life! But It is Not That Great!

Times Square (50)Time Square is one of the busiest intersections in Manhattan. While locals try to avoid it at all cost, tourists love it.

Yes, it is about tourist looking at other tourists and Times Square does not represent what really NYC is about. This is just one of the areas in Manhattan and it is not the best, but we get it why after so many years it is still so popular.


Time Square is freedom, it is noise, it is life! But It is Not All NYC!



The best restaurants are not in Times Square! Shopping is not smooth and easy. Go somewhere else. Locals are probably not here. You will only find other tourist. Yes, it is annoying having to walk through people offering tours, tickets, souvenirs or photos once you live in the area.

If you do not know where to stay when you visit, just DO NOT stay in Times Square. Yes, it is convenient if you dominate the subway lines, it is not if you are going to be riding a cab.


I always dreamed of living in NYC and it came true for a summer. I was living on 42st street for three months so there was no way to avoid one of the most crowded streets in the world. I was by myself, no friends, no family, just me and my big apple dream.

My roommate made it clear she hated Times Square and all the tourists (I was one too, but decided not to argue with her). She hated dirty Elmo and all of the street performers, she hated chain stores and restaurants, she hated how people walked like snails, and many more things she suggested me to avoid while in NYC.


But Every time I started to miss home…I would walk and just watch people. Weird, but fun in a way. This is the most diverse intersection. Seeing so many people smiling is contagious. I still do not love Times Square, but it will be forever that special place every time I needed to have that connection with other people. Here we all have one thing in common; Big dreams!


 Times Square (62)

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